Tuesday, October 23, 2007


it was through technorati that I added two more RSS feeds to my Bloglines reader - Boing Boing (!?) a blog devoted to trivia on every conceivable subject you can possibly imagine, I for one was not aware that a huge floating 'landmass' of plastic waste floats out in the ocean in the middle of nowhere somewhere between San Francisco and Hawaii - eeeuuucch! the environmental picture just keeps getting worse - but is this true? Or one of those creepy urban myths that circulate around and evolve and morph into different things - I can imagine in a month's time it'll be located off the coast of Peru - hey that could actually happen couldn't it? This giant shifting miasma of non- biodegradable gunk circumnavigating the globe - soon to visit your shores so look out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

rss feeds

i know this isn't in sequence - i tend to be looking at these things in my own order - going ahead and then jumping back to something i decided wasn't interesting (for myself) but then realising it was important to at least have a cursory glance!
but i really like the idea of feeds, i feel this helps me enormously in keeping in touch with what is out there and its my own personalised site. i've got a mixture of things such as The Age, The Australian, The Guardian - so covering my news needs both domestic and international in scope, and then employment feeds such as any new librarian jobs from Seek, ALIA and MyCareer - I like to be aware of any new positions even if i'm not looking myself - it's nice to know what's around.
lastly i've added National Geographic to feed through to me their latest news on environmental matters - i'm a huge fan of NG and have been since i was a child. and then after cruising around technorati i discovered the world's most visited blog is Boing Boing - so i've added that!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the labyrinth called social bookmarking

i've just had a look at del.icio.us - hmmm interesting concept and i can certainly see the potential here for educational purposes. i like the way you can go into someone else's bookmarks to have alook at what they have stored. i dislike the way these online applications create an endless 'link' to something else equally endless in nature. that isn't what life is about! we're finite after all. i also still think the structure here for information storing and sharing is too sloppy and random. but of course i can see the enormous potential for the future in these things (it's early early days) - and libraries need to take not just notice but action.

catch up time!

well i have been looking at everything and following the 2.0 program but i've not been posting! i just realised i posted a 'comment' talking about much the same sort of thing and now have realised that it appears as someone else as opposed to myself.