Tuesday, October 23, 2007


it was through technorati that I added two more RSS feeds to my Bloglines reader - Boing Boing (!?) a blog devoted to trivia on every conceivable subject you can possibly imagine, I for one was not aware that a huge floating 'landmass' of plastic waste floats out in the ocean in the middle of nowhere somewhere between San Francisco and Hawaii - eeeuuucch! the environmental picture just keeps getting worse - but is this true? Or one of those creepy urban myths that circulate around and evolve and morph into different things - I can imagine in a month's time it'll be located off the coast of Peru - hey that could actually happen couldn't it? This giant shifting miasma of non- biodegradable gunk circumnavigating the globe - soon to visit your shores so look out.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Nice post on technorati..keep up the good work
